Detailed Cost Impact (DCI)

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Detailed cost-impact proposal[1]

If the contractor is required to submit a DCI proposal, the CFAO shall promptly evaluate the DCI proposal and follow the procedures at 30.606 to negotiate and resolve the cost impact. The DCI proposal-

(1) Shall calculate the cost impact in accordance with paragraph (h) of this section;

(2) Shall show the estimated increase or decrease in cost accumulations for each affected CAS-covered contract and subcontract unless the CFAO and contractor agree to-

(i) Include only those affected CAS-covered contracts and subcontracts exceeding a specified amount; and

(ii) Estimate the total increase or decrease in cost accumulations for all affected CAS-covered contracts and subcontracts, using the results from including only those affected CAS-covered contracts exceeding a specified amount.

(3) May be in any format acceptable to the CFAO but, as a minimum, shall include the requirements:

  • (i) A general dollar magnitude estimate of the total increase or decrease in cost accumulations by Executive agency, including any impact the change may have on contract and subcontract incentives, fees, and profits, for each of the following groups:

(A) Fixed-price contracts and subcontracts.

(B) Flexibly-priced contracts and subcontracts.

  • (ii) For unilateral changes, the increased or decreased costs to the Government for each of the following groups:

(A) Fixed-price contracts and subcontracts.

(B) Flexibly-priced contracts and subcontracts; and

(4) When requested by the CFAO, shall identify all affected contracts and subcontracts.

Calculating cost impacts[2]

The cost impact calculation shall-

(1) Include all affected CAS-covered contracts and subcontracts regardless of their status (i.e., open or closed) or the fiscal year(s) in which the costs are incurred (i.e., whether or not the final indirect rates have been established);

(2) Combine the cost impact for all affected CAS-covered contracts and subcontracts for all segments if the effect of a change results in costs flowing between those segments;

For unilateral changes

  • (i) Determine the increased or decreased cost to the Government for flexibly-priced contracts and subcontracts as follows:

(A) When the estimated cost to complete using the changed practice exceeds the estimated cost to complete using the current practice, the difference is increased cost to the Government.

(B) When the estimated costs to complete using the changed practice is less than the estimated cost to complete using the current practice, the difference is decreased cost to the Government.

  • (ii) Determine the increased or decreased cost to the Government for fixed-price contracts and subcontracts as follows:
(A) When the estimated cost to complete using the changed practice is less than the estimated cost to complete using the current practice, the difference is increased cost to the Government.

(B) When the estimated cost to complete using the changed practice exceeds the estimated cost to complete using the current practice, the difference is decreased cost to the Government.

  • (iii) Calculate the total increase or decrease in contract and subcontract incentives, fees, and profits associated with the increased or decreased cost to the Government in accordance with 48 CFR 9903.306(c). The associated increase or decrease is based on the difference between the negotiated incentives, fees and profits and the amounts that would have been negotiated had the cost impact been known at the time the contracts and subcontracts were negotiated.

  • (iv) Calculate the increased cost to the Government in the aggregate.

(4) For required or desirable changes, negotiate an equitable adjustment as provided in the Changes clause of the contract.

NDIA, AIA Letter Regarding DCAA MRD - Cost Impacts


  1. FAR 30.604(g)
  2. FAR 30.604(h)