FAR 52.250-2 - SAFETY Act Coverage Not Applicable.

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Prescribed in 50.206(a)

Effective Date:1 February 2009
Clause or Provision:Clause
Provision or Clause Number: 52.250-2 - SAFETY Act Coverage Not Applicable.

Principle Type And/Or Purpose of Contract:
Applicable:Fixed Price Service; Cost Reimbursement Research and Development; Fixed Price Research and Development; Cost Reimbursement Supply; Fixed Price Supply; Cost Reimbursement Service; Fixed Price Construction; Cost Reimbursement Construction; Time and Materials/Labor Hour; Leasing of Motor Vehicles; Communication Services; Dismantling, Demolition, or Removal of Improvements; Architect-Engineering; Facilities; Indefinite Delivery; Transportation; Simplified Acquisition Procedures; Utility Services; Commercial Items; 
Contract Threshold:
Prescription Overview:
Clause Overview:

The Government has determined that for purposes of this solicitation the product(s) or service(s) being acquired by this action are neither presumptively nor actually entitled to a pre-determination that the products or services are qualified anti-terrorism technologies as that term is defined by the Support Anti-terrorism by Fostering Effective Technologies Act of 2002 (SAFETY Act), 6 U.S.C. 441-444. This determination does not prevent sellers of technologies from applying for SAFETY Act protections in other contexts. Proposals in which either acceptance or pricing is made contingent upon SAFETY Act designation as a qualified anti-terrorism technology or SAFETY Act certification as an approved product for homeland security of the proposed product or service will not be considered for award. See Federal Acquisition Regulation Subpart 50.2.

Important Notes/Requirements:
Subcontract Threshold:
Incorporated by Reference:Yes
Uniform Contract Format:

Personal notes.