CAS 412 - Composition and Measurement of Pension Cost

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9904.412 Cost Accounting Standard for Composition and Measurement of Pension Post[1]

9904.412-20 Purpose

(a) The purpose of this Standard 9904.412 is to provide guidance for determining and measuring the components of pension cost. The Standard establishes the basis on which pension costs shall be assigned to cost accounting periods. The provisions of this Cost Accounting Standard should enhance uniformity and consistency in accounting for pension costs and thereby increase the probability that those costs are properly allocated to cost objectives.

(b) This Standard does not cover the cost of Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) that meet the definition of a pension plan. Such plans are considered a form of deferred compensation and are covered under 9904.415


Accrued Benefit Cost Method

Actuarial Accrued Liability

[[Actuarial Assumption

[[Actuarial cost method means a technique which uses actuarial assumptions to measure the present value of future pension benefits and pension plan administrative expenses, and which assigns the cost of such benefits and expenses to cost accounting periods. The actuarial cost method includes the asset valuation method used to determine the actuarial value of the assets of a pension plan.

(5) Actuarial gain and loss means the effect on pension cost resulting from differences between actuarial assumptions and actual experience.

(6) Actuarial valuation means the determination, as of a specified date, of the normal cost, actuarial accrued liability, actuarial value of the assets of a pension plan, and other relevant values for the pension plan.

(7) Assignable cost credit means the decrease in unfunded actuarial liability that results when the pension cost computed for a cost accounting period is less than zero.

(8) Assignable cost deficit means the increase in unfunded actuarial liability that results when the pension cost computed for a qualified defined-benefit pension plan exceeds the maximum tax-deductible amount for the cost accounting period determined in accordance with the Internal Revenue Code at Title 26 of the U.S.C.

(9) Assignable cost limitation means the excess, if any, of the actuarial accrued liability and the normal cost for the current period over the actuarial value of the assets of the pension plan.

(10) Defined-benefit pension plan means a pension plan in which the benefits to be paid or the basis for determining such benefits are established in advance and the contributions are intended to provide the stated benefits.

(11) Defined-contribution pension plan means a pension plan in which the contributions are established in advance and the benefits are determined thereby.

(12) Funded pension cost means the portion of pension cost for a current or prior cost accounting period that has been paid to a funding agency.


  1. e-CFR Data is current as of March 7, 2014; website