Bereavement Leave Policy

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Process Owner

Senior Executive of Corporate Human Resources


To define GovC’s Bereavement Leave policy.


Bereavement Pay – Calculated based on employee’s base pay at time of bereavement absence.

Base Pay – The hourly pay component of compensation as computed on the basis of a 40 hour work week (non-exempt) or 80 hour pay period (exempt).

Eligible Employee – Active full-time and part-time regular employees working a minimum of 20 or more hours per week.

Immediate Family – Employee’s spouse, domestic partner, child, mother, father, sister, brother, grandparent, grandchild, mother- or father-in-law, brother- or sister-in-law, daughter- or son-in law. Policy

It is GovC’s policy to provide up to three (3), 8-hour days or 24 hours of paid bereavement leave to eligible employees during a time of mourning, to attend to family responsibilities and funeral observances after the loss of an immediate family member. Bereavement leave benefits may also be granted to eligible employees when they experience the loss of persons whose association with the employee was equivalent to any of the familial relationships described herein.

Bereavement leave benefits do not apply to the loss of friends, acquaintances and non-immediate family members; however, Employee may use accrued vacation/PTO or holiday leave for that purpose.

Paid bereavement leave only applies to regularly scheduled work days and does not include shift differential, bonuses, overtime, or other special forms of compensation.


1. Employees. a. Responsible for informing their Supervisor and obtaining approval prior to commencing bereavement leave.

2. Managers/Supervisors. a. Authorizing the use of bereavement leave. b. Ensuring that policy is applied consistently and in conformance with HR 615.

3. Vice President or Executive Director. a. Evaluating requests and providing approval for the use of bereavement leave for other than immediate family members.

4. President. a. Granting waivers and deviations to this policy. Procedures 1. Employee. a. May request Bereavement Leave using HR 615, Form A, Bereavement Leave Request, if that is practical, or the form may be used by the employee’s supervisor for making the request and official response a matter of record. Depending on the circumstances, a verbal request in person or by telephone may be appropriate. b. If bereavement leave is granted, enter time using the “BVT” charge code provided by supervisor. c. Provide supervisor with documentation (obituary, death certificate, funeral program).

2. Managers/Supervisors. a. Review request and approve time off. If employee needs additional time, may approve vacation/PTO. b. Add TRC of “BVT” for Bereavement Leave on Employee Work Authorization Form (WAF). Note: In some organizations, another designated person may enter TRC on employee WAF. c. Submit copy of supporting documentation to HR.

3. Human Resources. a. Obtain and file copy of supporting documentation. b. Refer employee to grief counseling services provided by LifeWorks Employee Assistance Program.