Modified CAS Coverage

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There are 3 types of CAS coverage. They are:

No coverage

Modified CAS coverage

Full CAS coverage

Standards only applying to Modified CAS Coverage

There are four (4) standards that only apply to Modified CAS coverage. They are:

CAS 401

CAS 402

CAS 405

CAS 406

Determing Modified CAS Coverage

When to submit

Business units subject to modified coverage do not normally sumit Disclosure Statements. The exception to the rule is if the Business Unit is a contributing segment. Each segment of a Business Unit that does not meet an exemption of prior years CAS covered awards were less than 50M and and less than 30% of the total sales for the segment.

Note: In order to qualify for the disclosure exemption, a contributing segment must meet both tests, percent sales and dollar threshold, unless another exemption applies.