Public Vouchers

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DCAA Public Voucher Guidance


Cost type contracts provide for interim payments for costs on a Standard Form (SF) 1034 public voucher or equivalent. DCAA will perform voucher reviews based on risk.

• Fixed price contracts are subject to FAR Part 32 financing methods.

DCAA Responsibilities - Pre-Payment Review of Vouchers

• Evaluate for compliance with contract terms and billing instructions

• Reconcile billed costs to the accounting records

• Verify that indirect costs are calculated using established provisional billing rates

• Verify the voucher is properly prepared (mathematically accurate, contains cumulative costs, etc.)

• Verify timely payments to vendors and subcontractors

• Verify billed labor, materials, and other direct costs to accounting records and supporting documentation

• Compare amount billed to amount received

• Review monitoring of subcontracts in accordance with FAR 42.202(e)(2)

File:DCAA Public Voucher Guidance.pdf


The link below gives DCMA guidance to government personnel on processing and approving Public Vouchers.